486 research outputs found

    Seguridad y eficacia de la inyección transendocárdica de células progenitoras endoteliales autólogas CD 133+ para angiogénesis terapéutica en pacientes sin más opción

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    La cardiopatía isquémica no sólo es la enfermedad cardiovascular con mayor mortalidad en el mundo sino que además determina una extraordinaria morbilidad especialmente cuando degeneran en insuficiencia cardiaca o angina refractaria. Lamentablemente el arsenal terapéutico para estos escenarios es limitado y no son pocos los pacientes que no responden. En este escenario el cardiólogo asiste impotente al progresivo deterioro de la calidad de vida de los pacientes hasta su inexorable final. Por otro lado se genera una gran demanda sanitaria donde la sociedad alienta incansablemente a la comunidad científica a conseguir más y mejores resultados. En este contexto la terapia celular se ha alzado como una terapia prometedora en base a los buenos resultados obtenidos en los estudios experimentales tanto con pequeños como con grandes mamíferos. Los estudios clínicos pioneros fueron realmente ilusionantes pero la consolidación de los mismos en ensayos clínicos de mayor tamaño muestral se enfrentó con incongruencias y limitaciones que han llevado a replantearse hasta los conocimientos más fundamentales. Sin embargo este paso atrás no ha significado un abandono de la terapia, más bien ha permitido que la comunidad científica exija unas bases más robustas, un mejor diseño de los estudios y una homogenización en la forma de evaluar los resultados..

    Modelling potential dependent surface-enhanced raman scattering: electric field and charged cluster dual model

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    The computation of electrochemical systems is very challenging because of the many variables involved. Among them, the effect of the electrode potential is particularly complex to be introduced in atomistic models. In this work, we propose a model where the surface excess of charge has been modelled with the tetrahedral-like clusters [Ag19]+, [Ag20]0 and [Ag19]-. We then modulate the effect of other surface charges implicitly as an external electric field and correlated a calculated magnitude like the electric charge on the adsorbate with the electrode potential, a purely experimental one. This model is tested with the potential-dependent Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) of pyridine. Namely, we investigated the changes in the Raman shifts and relative intensities due to the potential, and evaluated the different contributions (electromagnetic, charge-transfer) to the SERS spectra. Our preliminary results nicely reproduce the experimental trends and reveal that enhancement factors up to 10 to the 7th are achieved when the charge-transfer state interact with the bright local excitations of the metal cluster

    Lifestyle and cardiovascular mortality in menopausal women: a population-based cohort study

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    Introduction and objectives: There are models for cardiovascular risk prediction in the general population, but the prediction of risk in postmenopausal women has not been specifically studied. This study aimed to determine the association of lifestyle habits and chronic diseases with cardiovascular risk in menopausal women, as well as to build a risk scale. Methods: Retrospective population-based cohort study using data from the 2011 National Health Survey of Spain as a data source, Women 50 years were included. The characteristics that best defined the life habits of the study women were collected, as well as their health status and self-reported medical history at the time of the survey. Follow-up data on all-cause mortality were obtained from participants from 2011 to 2017. Results: A total of 5953 women 50 years of age were included, with a mean age of 66.4 11.4 years. The incidence of cardiovascular mortality in the follow-up period was 4%. Vegetable consumption less than 1 time/week (HR, 1.758), smoking (HR, 1.816) or excess hours of sleep ( 9 h/day, HR, 1.809), or o have main daily activity sitting most of the time (HR, 2.757) were related to cardiovascular mortality. The predictive model presents an honest C-index in test sample of 0.8407 (95%CI, 0.8025-0.8789). Conclusions: Life habits such as the consumption of vegetables, daily main activity, sleeping hours or smoking are risk factors for cardiovascular mortality of great relevance among menopausal women. A simple 6-year self-reported risk scale with high predictive capacity is provide

    Electric field and charged cluster dual model for Potential Depdendent Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

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    The computation of electrochemical systems is very challenging because of the many variables involved.1 Among them, the effect of the electrode potential is particularly complex to be introduced in atomistic models. In this work, we propose a model where the surface excess of charge has been modelled with the tetrahedral-like clusters [Ag19]+, [Ag20]0 and [Ag19]-. We then modulate the effect of other surface charges implicitly as an external electric field and correlated a calculated magnitude like the electric charge on the adsorbate with the electrode potential, a purely experimental one. This model is tested with the potential-dependent Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) of pyridine. Namely, we investigated the changes in the Raman shifts and relative intensities due to the potential, and evaluated the different contributions (electromagnetic, charge-transfer) to the SERS spectra. Our preliminary results nicely reproduce the experimental trends and reveal that enhancement factors up to 107 are achieved when the charge-transfer state interact with the bright local excitations of the metal cluster.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    SeniorFit : Una aplicación móvil para el seguimiento de la adherencia a estilos de vida saludable para gente mayor

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    El envejecimiento progresivo de la población en los países desarrollados exige la promoción de estilos de vida saludables para fomentar el envejecimiento activo. En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación denominada SeniorFit que pretende facilitar la autoevaluación de la adherencia al estilo de vida mediante una herramienta sencilla, cómoda y fiable. La aplicación está desarrollada para móviles y permite medir de forma no intrusiva la actividad física, el pulso cardíaco y evaluar el estado de ánimo utilizando únicamente el propio móvil. Esta aplicación ha sido utilizada por un grupo de gente mayor durante 3 semanas y en condiciones libres. Los usuarios han manifestado un alto grado de satisfacción y la facilidad de su uso.Postprint (published version

    Saynete nuevo Intitulado El gitano Canuto Mojarra o El dia de toros en Sevilla : para trece personas

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    Fernández Gómez, Juan F. Catálogo de entremeses y sainetes del siglo XVIII, 654El autor es Juan Ignacio González del CastilloDía de toros en CádizPrecede al tít.: "190.

    Hannibal : escena lírica original ó soliloquio unipersonal : en metro endecasílabo castellano

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    El autor es Juan Ignacio González del Castillo, según Jerónimo Herrera Navarro en Catálogo de autores teatrales del Siglo XVIIIPrecede al tít.: "41"Datos de imp. obtenidos del colofó

    Assessment of targeted selective treatment criteria to control subclinical gastrointestinal nematode infections on sheep farms

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    Control of sheep gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infections mostly relies on the use of anthelmintics. Refugia-based control strategies as targeted selective treatments (TST) can delay anthelmintic resistance development, but the optimal decision criteria for selecting individuals to be treated in subclinical infection scenarios remain unclear. The present study aimed to evaluate the suitability of body condition score (BCS) and faecal egg counts (FEC) as treatment indicators and to determine their optimized threshold values for treatment in TST by determining the relationships of BCS, FEC and anthelmintic treatment with several productive parameters in pre-mating and pre-partum periods at an individual level. Deworming in pre-mating period increased BCS gain, but its magnitude was directly associated with strongyle FEC before treatment. Deworming also increased fertility in ewes with BCS 400 epg before treatment. These results showed that FEC and especially BCS can be potential decision criteria for the implementation of TST in these types of scenarios. The TST scheme derived from the present results on the control of GIN infections should include anthelmintic treatment of ewes with BCS lower than ˜ 3 approximately five weeks before mating and lambing. In the pre-lambing period, treatment may be unnecessary if flock mean strongyle FEC is lower than ˜ 200 epg, as the proportion of ewes with individual FEC > 400 epg would be very low. The results suggest that implementation of this TST scheme would provide benefits, such as the improvement of productivity, a rational management of parasites in refugia, and preservation of future efficacy of anthelmintics, in comparison to traditional deworming schemes

    About the Unexpected Structure and Properties of Molecules Bonded to Metal Nanoclusters.

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    SERS (Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering) is a very powerful technique to gain insight into the nature of metal-molecule hybrids on a molecular level. We show the results of combining SERS and theoretical calculations (1) to analyze the subtle electronic structure of metal-molecule (M-A) interfaces, especially to study the dependence of their structure and properties on applied electric potentials or fields. An example of this is the huge efficiency of the potential (EV) in tuning the energies (E) of metal-molecule charge transfer (CT) states. An equivalence between both quantities is expected on the basis of classical electrochemistry (G=E/EV=1 eV/V) but observed energy gains up to G=4 or 5 eV/V can be explained by combining the dependence of the CT energies (E) on the excess of charge of the metal (qeff) (see Graphical Abstract) and the capacitive enhancement located at metallic nanostructures (2). Moreover, theoretical calculations predict a dual electronic structure of the M-A surface complex in the case of charged molecules bonded to charged metals. These two types of surface states of the same hybrid system are of a very different nature and are selected by the sign of the metal charge (qeff). It is predicted that a single M-A complex can be very strongly bonded (chemisorbed) or form weak and very polarizable complexes (physisorbed) depending on the charges of both the ionic species and the surface excess of the metal which is modulated by the applied potential. These two types of complexes determine the properties of the overall system in the ground electronic state, like the behavior of the wavenumbers of the CN stretching band adsorbed on metals (3-4), as well as in excited states, like the forward and reverse metal-molecule CT states of the isonicotinate anion bonded to positive (chemisorbed, G~0 eV/V) or negative (physisorbed, high G) silver clusters (5), respectively (see Graphical Abstract).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech